
Cymantic Medical

The Problem.
As many as 25% of diagnostic procedures and 30% of surgeries for cancer are unsuccessful or incomplete, depending on the cancer and procedure type. These incomplete procedures impose tremendous physical, emotional, and financial burdens on patients. Repeating these procedures delays diagnosis & treatment, and places an enormous strain on healthcare resources.

By improving the success rates of these procedures, we can improve patient outcomes, drastically reduce healthcare costs and remove the significant risks associated with repeating these procedures.
The Mission.
We're developing the next generation of computer vision-based technologies for diagnosing and treating cancer. Our technology can provide real-time information on the accuracy of the ongoing procedure to clinicians & surgeons, supporting them to make better informed decisions during those procedures, leading to greater success rates. This could speed up diagnosis & treatment by months and reduce the significant risk, costs, and frustration that come with repeat procedures.


By improving the success rates of interventional procedures, patients could be diagnosed and treated faster. They could also be exposed to fewer risks and complications by reducing or removing the need for repeat procedures

Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers could be provided reassurance in their intraprocedural decision-making. Thereby increasing their confidence levels and reducing the frustration related to having to repeat procedures.

Hospitals & Healthcare Systems

Repeat procedures are an enormous burden on resources and finances for hospitals & healthcare systems. Reducing this burden could free up much-needed resources and decrease costs drastically. This could also facilitate a more streamlined workflow and greater capacity for throughput.

Supported by

NovaUCD, Belfield,
Dublin, Ireland.
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